Tuesday 9 April 2013



 11th-14th March 2013

Name:  Jamie Phillips                                          Date: 18.03.2013


EOTC week was fantastic!  I had a blast.  The week flew by with lots of fabulous activities to do.  Let me tell you about my week……………..…………

First we did Rock up that was cool, I got over my fear of climbing it. I liked going back down that was fun. Wall 3 and 4 were the hardest for me.  If we didnt listen, the instructors made us do press ups. Then we did the spider web. That was awesome!  You had to get all your team members through without touching the ropes, and you couldn’t go through the same one again.  I had to go through one of the top ones.  I also liked the cube. You had to try putting together a giant cube in like 5 minutes. Then the next day we went to the beach to go sailing, raft building and fishing. That was cool.  For sailing me and Courtney wasted everyone. Sailing was my favourite because we went out really far. Fishing was cool too, I didn’t catch anything though. The raft building was hard.  The girls almost won. Ellie cut her foot really badly and Rihanna cut her hand. Then I went to cooking and shelter building that was awesome and the food we ate was so yummy! For the shelter building Me, Charlotte and Billie built one. It was really hot and stuffy inside.  We made a rubbish bin, a clothesline and a deck. One of my favourites was the beach walk though,  We went to Smugglers Bay, and it was such a nice beach. First we went to go look at the gun and war huts, then we did a hike round the mountain.  When we got to the bay I wanted to go for a swim straight away because I was so hot.  When you went out like 4 metres it would have been over your head.  I  t was cool but there were some rocks on the bottom and you had to watch your step. Charlotte and Caeley made me a sand mermaid tail that was awesome. After a little while it got pretty itchy though. Some other people buried Addon and Jacob too. When we got to the bay Charlotte and I asked to go to the rock pools to look for crabs. We didnt find any though. I love EOTC week it was so much fun. It was a great way to start off the year. I learned how to tie different kinds of knots; I also learnt to get over my fear of climbing. Im proud of myself and my friends because we all gave it a go and tried stuff that I never knew I could do, like sailing and building a raft. I loved EOTC week!  













1 comment:

  1. WOW! so amazing, bright, great source of words Jamie!! Your school sooooo interesting and fabulous!!
